
domingo, 8 de diciembre de 2013

Kinds of paragraphs

Sensory details  


One of my favourite seasons is spring. This season lasts three months. It begins in 21st September and ends in 21st December. In this season you can feel that the weather starts to change and become warmer little by little leaving the winter behind. There are more hours of daylight, you will see people  wearing summer clothes like; short, t-shirt , dress and skirt, and you can hear the birds singing every morning. A lot  of people usually go for a walk to the beach at night to feel the fresh air. In the last month of spring you can already go to the beach any time during the day, because  the weather gets very hot and if you stay under the sun, you can feel the sun burning your skin. After that spring is comming to an end, and soon summer season begins.

Giving examples

I like spring because it has the perfect weather for me; it's not too hot like in  summer time, and it's not too cold like winter. The weather in spring gets a little bit windy and there are more sunny days. I like to go for a walk at night to the beach with my friends and have something to eat. I have a lot of happy memories of spring in Sweden. I remember  that when the winter ends and spring begins, people made a big fire to welcome spring. You could start seen trees getting green, birds singing, children playing in the parks and everyone were so happy, so that´s why spring is my favourite season.

Telling an incident


I remember when I lived in Sweden, and my mother, my younger brother and I went to see the big fire in the park. there were a lot of people looking at it, and I asked my mother why they do that big fire and she told me because the winter ends and spring begins they do that to welcome spring. I will never forget that day, the weather started to change, it became warmer each day, all tres that didn't have leaves started to get green again. Birds started to sing and you could see a lot of flowers and people going out more often. Spring is a beautiful season for me  and I think it will always be.

Reflection: Writing three different paragraphs was really difficult for me, because each paragraph has to be written in a different way about the same topic. The most difficult of the three paragraph was the sensory details, because a lot of sensory details were missing in the paragraph and I think it's difficult to include them in the writing. In the paragraph starting with giving examples were easy for me and I didn't have problems writing it. The last paragraph with telling an incident I had a lot of gramar mistakes, but it was not difficult to write. The one that I enjoyed the most was the telling an incident, because it made me remember the good times I spent with my mother. 



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