
domingo, 8 de diciembre de 2013


Lluvia de ideas

- El grafeno es el material más fuerte y resistente que cualquier otro en la Tierra.

- Es fexible, liviano y puede llegar a soportar altas temperaturas.

- Tiene la capacidad de absorber la energía más rápido que los paneles solares convencionales.

- Posee la capacidad de auto regenerarse.

- Podría ser utilizado en varias áreas como; la salud, tecnología, pesca, etc.

- Tiene un peso atómico igual al de un átomo.

- Podría mejorar el rendimiento de las RAM de los computadores.

- Podría tener uso en el tratamiento del cáncer.

Tesis del trabajo: El grafeno es el material que cambiará nuestro futuro.


Texto Grafeno

Grafeno la revolución del futuro

¿Alguna vez ha imaginado que pueda existir un material más duro que un diamante, más resistente que el acero, flexible y resistente al calor, con todas estas características en un solo objeto? Esto no se queda solo en la imaginación, los científicos descubrieron un material que tiene todas estas propiedades las cuales podrían cambiar nuestro futuro. Este nuevo material se llama grafeno. El grafeno es el material  que cambiará nuestro futuro.

El grafeno es una estructura laminar plana, bidimensional del espesor de un átomo, proveniente del grafito. Este material está formado por átomos de carbono densamente empaquetados en dos subredes cristalinas en forma de panal de abeja. Hay tres formas de extraer el grafeno, una de ellas consiste en colocar cinta adhesiva sobre una superficie de grafito y desprenderla obteniendo capas muy fina de grafeno, la cual recibe el nombre de scotch tape. Otra técnica es del azúcar, consiste en calentar la glucosa del azúcar a más de 800°Celsius, que se deshidrata así formando el grafeno. La última técnica es la de exfoliación, consiste en quitar capa por capa al grafito hasta obtener láminas de grafeno.

Es más fuerte que el acero o el diamante, es mejor conductor de electricidad a temperatura ambiente y también es el más delgado. La alta conductividad térmica y  eléctrica, la alta elasticidad, la gran dureza, la resistencia mecánica mayor que el acero y la gran resistencia a la ionización son las principales propiedades del grafeno, por lo que lo convierte en un material que podría transformar muchas tecnologías e industrias en el futuro.

Actualmente en el área de las telecomunicaciones existen una gran variedad de materiales que podrían ser candidatos para el uso de circuitos electrónicos flexibles, que son los que producen, reciben y procesan las señales de telecomunicaciones, pero la mayoría de ellos tienen problemas, como realizar demasiado lento los cálculos en aplicaciones prácticas y otros sus costos de producción son muy altos.

Deji Akinwande, un ingeniero eléctrico e informático está estudiando el grafeno para crear transitorios de grafeno impresos, que podrían llegar a producir teléfonos inteligentes, tabletas resistentes al agua que se puedan plegar  enrollar y otros dispositivos de comunicación flexibles. También la electrónica de radiofrecuencia del grafeno es bastante rápida para producir, recibir y procesar señales, lo que causaría una notable mejoría en el futuro.

El grafeno también podría traer beneficios en el área de la salud. Los investigadores Pablo Jarillo e Ignacio Cirac, en la Bienal de la Sociedad Física Española en Valencia quieren conseguir que los tratamientos del cáncer sean menos dañinos para los enfermos, el cual permita eliminar solo las células dañadas de forma selectiva. En el campo de la Física Médica están tratando de crear un método basado en inyectar al enfermo partículas de grafeno que modificadas químicamente se adhieran a las células cancerígenas y así las irradiaciones actuarían sobre el tumor de forma directa en las células dañadas sin afectar otras partes del cuerpo. Esto todavía está en investigación, pero con la ayuda del grafeno se podría conseguir una notable mejoría en el resultado de los tratamientos radiológicos.

En el área de la informática el grafeno actualmente ya se ha utilizado como reemplazo del silicio y germanio para fabricar transistores más rápidos, pequeños y eficientes, ayudando a aumentar la capacidad y velocidad de los computadores. Otro uso del grafeno ha sido en la producción de celdas solares, pantallas sensibles al tacto, láseres y amplificadores, debido a la capacidad de producir electricidad al ser irradiado en luz ultravioleta. También se podría lograr el aumento de la duración de las baterías de los computadores portátiles hasta veinte años en lugar de dos, ya que el grafeno es diez veces mejor en la capacidad de almacenar energía que las baterías utilizadas actualmente. Este material se ha aplicado en el almacenamiento de la energía eléctrica solar, lo que podría llegar a utilizarse con el hidrógeno y así producir energía eléctrica que en el futuro se podría usar como combustible para autos.

En la actualidad los chips son electrónicos, pero con el grafeno los futuros chips serían ópticos o híbridos de óptica y electrónica, los que podrían ser aplicados en dispositivos de visión nocturna, como las cámaras y también en la mejora de seguridad en las carreteras.

Para concluir, el grafeno es un material muy interesante de investigar, ya que tendría múltiples usos en el futuro en diferentes áreas como en las telecomunicaciones, la salud e informática. Es un material que los científicos están muy interesados por sus fantásticas características, que definitivamente cambiarán la manera en que vivimos hoy.


House description



The  family is composed by six people; parents,  grandparents, and two children.They live in a big, detached, two storey house that is painted on the outside in grey colour and the left wall has a ceramic rock shape. In front of the house we can find small stairs that take you to the front door, which is decorated with flowers and some trees and it is surrounded by grass and it has a big garage on the right side.

On the first floor we have a beautiful entrance and next to it we found a small bathroom and the sitting room to welcome guests, next to it, we find a big  dining room where the family enjoy having breakfast, lunch and dinner.In front of the dining room we have the washing room. Next to the washing room and the dining room we can find the kitchen and the big living room. On the second floor we have a corridor that connects to six rooms, on the right side we have two bedrooms, those are; the marital room, where the grand parents sleep,and the big marital room that is connected with a big bathroom where the parents sleep, and between them is the resting room. If we walk on the same corridor in the middle we can see a small bathroom and on the left  we can find two more bedrooms; girl’s bedroom, and boy’s bedroom.

Sitting room: Marisel
On the first floor of the house there is a small living room with creamy, beige coloured walls which connects with the dining room. Next to the white ceiling, there are two small windows, each of them half covered by a tiny, dark brown curtain. In the middle of the wall, there are two paintings that are above a white sofa decorated with four cushions.At both sides of the sofa there are two round and tiny tables with a white lamp on each one.On the right sideof the table you can see a picture frame on the top section and on the section below some books on it. In  the center of the room there is a round shaped coffee table with two black vases on it and in front of the sofa are two comfortable red couches that are perfect to welcome guests.

Dining room + washing room:  Analia

On the other side we have the dining room. It has on the left side a creamy, beige colour wall and there is a picture on it, and next to the picture there is a window with a tiny, dark brown curtain. In front of the table there is another wall that has a different color, which is wine red. In front of it, there is a green plant and a picture, and between of them there is a brown cupboard. In the middle, we have a large, brown, wooden table with six chairs. On the table there is a little tablecloth and there are two chandeliers with red candles. The ceiling is white and there is a lamp hanging from it. This room is made for having a good time with the family, for example eating, having breakfast or dinner.

Next to the dining room we find the laundry.The walls of the laundry has a colour  creamy beige also and this room  has two washing machine, two white doors and has a brown furniture.

Kitchen: Simón

The kitchen is directly connected to the living room without any wall.
Though there is a small table with four chairs between the two rooms. On the table are some orange flowers.
Coming now to the kitchen, we can observe that in its big area stands a kitchen countertop that has a red plate with some decorative balls on it, which are white and black.
Facing the kitchen frontally, we can divide it in two sides. On the left side is the metallic shining fridge that consists of two sections. Next to it are another two cupboards with a timer, some condiments and other working tools on it.
On the right side are some more cupboards. The dishwasher is nearly in the middle of them, facing a window. We can also see some spices and bottles next to the dishwasher.
At the back of the kitchen we can find the silver-looking cocker next to some cupboards, build of an oven and a gas-cooktop. Above it is a small microwave in the top shelves. At the left are two containers, made of glass. In the left, back corner we can perceive a door. Behind it is probably a larder, where you can store the alimony.
The whole kitchen is populated with many storing shelves on the top.
Entirely the kitchen transmits an organized and clean impression. The brown wood used for all the pieces of furniture harmonizes perfectly with the silver, metallic appliances and the marble boards. It is also very well illuminated by the small, round lights which are attached into the ceiling and the three armed lamp above the little table.

Big livingroom: Carolina Rivera

The big living room is located next to the kitchen, and between them there is a small wooden table with four chairs and a vase on it.This part of the house is all covered by a white carpet and has light green walls. Entering to this area, we can notice at its left part a brown wooden fireplace located between two big windows, which is surrounded by some china vases. On the fireplace there is a small plate with certain decorative balls, and above this there is a medium size plasma TV. Next to all of  this, we can see a white armchair with a little cushion on it. Behind the armchair, there is a lit lamp and at its right there are two beautiful black decorations.
Now, if we turn to the right we will see a small tree next to a little wooden table with a portrait, a lamp and some books on it. Continuing, we will found two big brown couches with some striped cushions on them. They are separated by a piece of furniture with a lamp, a plant and some candles on the top of it. In the wall behind one of them are two pictures of flowers and a square mirror with golden edges. In the center of the living room there is a coffee table with two big, black, nut shaped decorations.
In general, this room has a quiet and peaceful atmosphere, ideal for doing relaxing activities like reading, watching TV, etc. or for having a nice evening talking and sharing with your family and friends.

Bathrooms: Dani

Dinosaur room: Dwan Miranda

Out of the bathroom, you are allowed to see a corridor, the stairs and a plant next to it. Walking upstairs, the first thing that we see is a small, colorful room with white and red walls.  There’s a big window next to the bed which has a blanket ,a pillow and a cuddly toy on it. In the wall, where the headboard  is supported, we can see a few letters that form the name “Zack” and, near to that , a big picture of a colorful dinosaur. Beside the bed, you can see a bedside table with a lamp over it. At the feet of the bed, on the floor, there’s  a box with toys in it. In the left wall, that is next to the window , you can see a handbag that has the shape of a green dinosaur. And finally,on the floor next to the bed, we see red ball and another pillow.

Girl room:   Karen Badilla

Getting out of the boy’s room , on the left , we can find the girl’s bedroom  . This room has the characteristic of not having door and medium flats walls in orange with two large windows without courtains. between of one of the windows we have a shelf in which a bag is hanging on there and for the other part a beautiful picture . then we have a large bed with a colorful bredspread and two big pillows, between of the bed there are two small nightstands with a medium lamps and small photos. In front of the bed we have two more  frames one of them it’s like a picture to put notes and next of that other small picture . you may notice a big white desk accompanied with a green chair and on the desktop there are copybooks with beautiful colors . In general this  room looks very comfortable and when you enter can produce a good feeling.

Marital room : Nicolás

This spacious room is located next to the resting room. Inside it, there is another smaller room with many hangers and brown pillows; here you can store clothes, sheets, blankets, pillows, etc. The walls are white and in one of the them there is a window.
The marital room has brownish walls and a white door, there is a big window and a smaller one, and on the main wall there are pictures next to the small window. In the middle, it’s located the marital bed; on it there are a lot of pillows, It seems to be a very comfortable bed. In the corner of the room ,between the windows, there is a plant and a night table with pictures and a night lamp on it. On the other side of the bed there is another night table with some books and a lamp. Next to the front door there is a wardrobe with many things on it. The floor is carpeted and it’s look to be very comfortable. The furniture of this room are made of wood and their color are dark brown.
In general this room look very spacious and very comfortable.

Resting room: Nicole

This part of the house is united with the marital room. It isn’t a very big space but it has its comforts and it can be used as a playroom. The color of the room is the same as the marital room, a brownish almost yellow color with a white ceiling. Starting with the left part of the room we can see a big chest of drawers that occupy all that corner. It is filled with squares of a variety of colours and those, at the same time, are filled by all kinds of toys of different types and colours as well. At the top of that piece of furniture there are three pictures of animals that give life to the place. Focusing on the central part, we can see that again there are three rectangular pictures of animals just in the middle of the wall, and down those pieces of art there is a trash can. Now, finishing with the right part of the room, we can see a beautiful oval lamp that lights the space and just next to that lamp, two red comfortable armchairs that are perfect for resting.

Big marital room: Rodrigo.

This room has plenty of space. The marital bed is located in the middle of the room, that has a brown frame and a flowered bedspread, there are some coloured cushions on the bed. Next to the bed there are two big windows and in front of each of them, the brown bedside tables. The left bedside table has a lot of thing on it like a lamp , and a flower. The right one has a lamp and a photo on it. Above the bed there is a large picture of orange trees , and this picture is on a dark crimson wall, that is the only wall painted in this color. In front of the marital bed there is the brown make up table with flowers, books, vessel and a stylish lamp on it. We have two things next to this furniture: in the left side we have a  brown leather personal sofa with a cushion, and in the right side we have the white frame entrance , that hasn’t a door. The brown chest of drawers has a crimson lamp, a brown bowl and two family pictures on it. Near to this drawer we have the hall  with the closet that has plenty of room. We can say that this room has a lot of room, because there are many things in it and they are not one next to another, there is enough space between the furnitures, and it’s very well organized.

Reflection: This was a group work and it was difficult at the begining because we could't organize the work well, but we followed the instructions given in class, we could finish the house description. Each members of the group described a part of the house. In my opinion we did a good job as a group and we finished the writing well. 

Kinds of paragraphs

Sensory details  


One of my favourite seasons is spring. This season lasts three months. It begins in 21st September and ends in 21st December. In this season you can feel that the weather starts to change and become warmer little by little leaving the winter behind. There are more hours of daylight, you will see people  wearing summer clothes like; short, t-shirt , dress and skirt, and you can hear the birds singing every morning. A lot  of people usually go for a walk to the beach at night to feel the fresh air. In the last month of spring you can already go to the beach any time during the day, because  the weather gets very hot and if you stay under the sun, you can feel the sun burning your skin. After that spring is comming to an end, and soon summer season begins.

Giving examples

I like spring because it has the perfect weather for me; it's not too hot like in  summer time, and it's not too cold like winter. The weather in spring gets a little bit windy and there are more sunny days. I like to go for a walk at night to the beach with my friends and have something to eat. I have a lot of happy memories of spring in Sweden. I remember  that when the winter ends and spring begins, people made a big fire to welcome spring. You could start seen trees getting green, birds singing, children playing in the parks and everyone were so happy, so that´s why spring is my favourite season.

Telling an incident


I remember when I lived in Sweden, and my mother, my younger brother and I went to see the big fire in the park. there were a lot of people looking at it, and I asked my mother why they do that big fire and she told me because the winter ends and spring begins they do that to welcome spring. I will never forget that day, the weather started to change, it became warmer each day, all tres that didn't have leaves started to get green again. Birds started to sing and you could see a lot of flowers and people going out more often. Spring is a beautiful season for me  and I think it will always be.

Reflection: Writing three different paragraphs was really difficult for me, because each paragraph has to be written in a different way about the same topic. The most difficult of the three paragraph was the sensory details, because a lot of sensory details were missing in the paragraph and I think it's difficult to include them in the writing. In the paragraph starting with giving examples were easy for me and I didn't have problems writing it. The last paragraph with telling an incident I had a lot of gramar mistakes, but it was not difficult to write. The one that I enjoyed the most was the telling an incident, because it made me remember the good times I spent with my mother. 



Pingu's family celebrate Christmas

Pingu's family has four members; the mother, father, big brother and the younger brother. The mother and her two children are doing cookies for christmas with the shape of stars and halfmoon, when they finished with the cookies the father came back home with a present and children wanted to open it, but father said no and left the present were they couldn't reach it. The mother said to father to go buy a christmas tree, so he went with his two children. When they were choosing the tree, the younger brother wanted to take home the biggest christmas tree and the eldest brother wanted to choose the smallest one, but father choose one christmas tree and bought it and they went back home. When they arrived home children saw their mother with a lot of presents in her hands, so they got so excited that they wanted to open them immediately, but she said no, and she kept walking to put them under the christmas tree, but suddenly she fell and dropped all the gifts. When father saw her on the ground, he got angry and started to argue wiht mother. Children felt sad when they saw their parents arguing, so they told them to stop arguing and they did, so children were happy again. The mother told them to go in to the house, so she and father could arrange the christmas tree. Meanwhile  children  got the gifts ready, and when their parents finished with the decoration of the tree children went out with the presents for their parents. All the family started to open the christmas presents that were under the christmas tree. Everybody were happy and they sang a song together.

Reflection: This is a narration of a video we had to choose, and I choose about a family celebrating christmas. It was easier for me to start writing because I just wrote what I saw in the video. I had difficulties with connectors and punctuation.


My brother

Hector is my younger brother and he is twenty one years old. He is tall and physically fit. He has short boxed beard, so his friends called him Dirk Nowitzki, who is a basketball player of NBA. They think that my brother looks like him. Hector has a long face, big dark eyes like olives and has white skin like milk. My brother is young and handsome.

Hector is a very shy person, but when you get to know him, he is very funny because he is always making jokes and funny things that make people laugh, he is also very kind and respectful other people. He loves sports, specially playing basketball and also football in his free time. My brother always helps if someone asks him for help, so he has a kind heart, he is loyal and understanding. For me he is a great person and interesting to know. Have him as a friend is really great.

 Reflection: In this writing I improved the gramar, but still had problems with punctuation. It was difficult for me to describe a person physically and the personality, so the pre-writing helped me a lot to organize the ideas. It´s not perfect, but I think it is one of my best writing because it didn´t have a lot of gramar mistakes, and punctuation problems were less in compared to the first text I wrote.


Un viaje inolvidable

Esto ocurrió el año 2012 en Suecia. Yo y mi hermano menor decidimos viajar en tren desde Estocolmo a una ciudad llamada Norrköping, el viaje demoraría dos horas. Mi hermano mayor, que vivía en Estocolmo, había comprado los pasajes en tren el mismo día. Como era la primera vez que viajaríamos solos, nos costó llegar a la estación de trenes. Una vez que encontramos la estación teníamos que retirar los pasajes de unas máquinas, las cuales nunca habíamos usado, pero logramos sacar los pasajes. Luego buscamos donde teníamos que esperar el tren. El lugar era tan grande que parecía un aeropuerto. Al final logramos llegar donde estaba nuestro tren.
Cuando estábamos sentados con los bolsos en su lugar, llegó una señora diciendo que ése era su lugar y nos mostró su pasaje con el número de asiento y tuvimos que sacar todas las cosas y salir de ahí. No sabíamos qué hacer, no había alguien encargado a quién preguntarle, así que nos quedamos parados con todas las cosas en el lugar donde había una puerta de forma convexa y transparente, la que tratamos de abrir, pero no podíamos. Yo tenía todas las cosas en las manos mientras le decía a mi hermano: - tira más fuerte, con fuerza-. Cuando de repente apareció una persona y se paró enfrente de la puerta, deslizó su mano sin tocarla de derecha a izquierda y la puerta se abrió sola. En ese momento nos pusimos a reír sin poder parar; estuvimos como media hora tratando de abrir la puerta para pasar al otro vagón y ni siquiera era necesario tener que tocarla para que se abriera.

Es uno de los momentos más incómodos, vergonzosos y divertidos que he vivido. Al final encontramos el vagón donde los asientos eran libres  preguntando a unas personas y llegamos a nuestro destino, Norrköping. Esta experiencia nos sirvió para aprender a no dar por sabido información que en realidad no sabemos y que es mejor preguntar e informarse bien antes de hacer un viaje.


jueves, 5 de diciembre de 2013

Happy morning

I'm a morning person. I don't like to wake up late because I feel like the day gets shorter and I don't have time to do everything that I need to do. I love seeing the sun in the mornings and listening to music so I feel happy to start a new day. Sometimes it's difficult for me to wake up early, but I still prefer to get up early. I like waking up and thinking that I hace another day to live; that makes me feel happy and grateful to God. Every morning the first thing that I do is playing music. Then I take a shower and after that, I have breakfast, and finallly I'm ready to start my day feeling energetic and glad, that's why I will always be a morning person.

Reflection: This is one of my first writing. Doing a pre-writing helped me a lot, because I didn´t know how to start writing the text.Writing down the ideas on a paper was very helpful, so it was easier to organize the ideas and start a draft. I had a lot of punctuation mistakes and some grammar mistakes. I enjoyed writing this text, because it made me realize that I am a morning person.